What Are the Five Best Things About Living in the Country?



There are plenty of reasons we’d choose not to live in the countryside: lack of amenities, distance from shops and the need for a reliable car are the first to spring to mind. Yet, rural life pulls on our heartstrings and leaves us yearning for open fields, close-knit communities and a decent pair of wellies! Here are our five best things about living in the country…


  1. A closer understanding of your food

Whether you’re living amongst oceans of golden crop fields or your neighbours are of the four-legged variety, it’s hard to disengage with the origins of our food in the same way urban dwellers do. Making friends with local farmers means learning all about seed pelleting, harvesting and the need for early rising, which always inspires us! Becoming more mindful of the food we eat and the effort that goes into producing it can only be a good thing.


  1. Slower pace of life

It’s undeniable that urban dwelling comes with plenty of bonuses: an exciting mix of people, culture, food and entertainment make a great argument for staying right where you are. But, 24/7 activity, frustrating commutes and a permanent sense of being on a ‘rat wheel’ is more than a little draining. That’s the respite the countryside offers: space to breathe, freedom to move and an opportunity to think.


  1. More space

Unless you live in a particularly sought-after part of the countryside, life in the country provides more bang for your buck. House sizes are more generous, which means there’s more room for you, your kids and your pets, and you’re probably a little less on top of your neighbours too. Rather than hoping for a patch of garden as children do in the city, country kids are free to roam, and if it really strikes your fancy, you might even have the room to keep some animals.


  1. Real darkness, real silence

If you’ve ever spent a night in the heart of the country, you’ll be familiar with just how dark bedtime is. With no light pollution to contend with, it’s perfect for improving the quality of your forty winks, and is brilliant for star-gazers too.

It’s also much quieter than populated areas. Without passing cars, traffic on distant roads, chatter or sirens, some people find the silence oppressive. But, for others, it’s a welcome break for the senses. We particularly like the silence in day time too; there’s something liberating about wandering the countryside with nothing but the buzz of wildlife or a tractor engine to compete for your attention.


  1. Beautiful views

Finally, the scenery on offer in the countryside is unrivalled. Soaring mountains, fairy tale woodland and rolling hills are bound to prompt a break from your smartphone… especially if you’re lucky enough to live near Britain’s best views! It might sound like a cliché, but living in a place where you notice the colour of the sky or the changing weather is good for your soul: you can count on country life to lend perspective to your troubles.