Christmas holidays are hectic days for professional and amateur photographers. Whether you shoot yourself or just hire a specialist, your intention is certainly to make a couple of unforgettable pictures. Such obvious solutions as just a Christmas tree or a baby with a gift are too common when it comes to this magic occasion.


Limiting yourself to a standard red-and-green color theme will hardly allow to produce a picture to retain for years to come. This means more original and diverse insights on christmas photo backgrounds are required to enhance the impression.

Christmas holidays are hectic days for professional and amateur photographers. Whether you shoot yourself or just hire a specialist, your intention is certainly to make a couple of unforgettable pictures. Such obvious solutions as just a Christmas tree or a baby with a gift are too common when it comes to this magic occasion.

Limiting yourself to a standard red-and-green color theme will hardly allow to produce a picture to retain for years to come. This means more original and diverse insights on christmas photo backgrounds are required to enhance the impression.

Depositphotos is the right place to go to get ideas and inspiration. Thanks to numerous inventive contributors from around the world, you can enjoy topical tips and propositions they are willing to share.

Shoot Ideas for Christmas Photography

Taking pictures outdoors

While a family holiday, Christmas is also special with its magic outdoor setting. You can find a diversity of scenes during this time, so going outside is a rewarding idea. From city streets and a public Christmas tree to a snowy park – you have many options to choose from.

Artistic compositions

Christmas is a fair of crafts and arts. This means you will have no problems with finding out really original art items to build your composition around.

Document the event

Most families spent a lot of time to prepare for Christmas holidays and enjoy the process itself. As a photographer, you can opt to document the collaborative preparation and cooking where all family members are involved.

Involve pets

Pets are great characters to involve in your shooting session, if they are available. They can give special charm to this fairy holiday. It is funny to observe how a dog or a cat plays with children, and a skilled photographer will manage to catch highly valuable moments worth immortalization.

Intimate moments

Given Christmas is a family holiday, shooting sweet sentimental moments is the right way to go. Sincere pictures made with a candid camera oftentimes look more advantageous as compared to stage photography. So many loving couple will indeed prefer this option.

Holiday garments

Many families have themed outfits that they wear only during Christmas season. If this is the case, you can play with it during your shooting sessions.

Festive feasts

A big family at a table is a spectacular picture. Special meals and dishes associated with this holiday will only add to the experience. Such an occasion is really worth recalling in the long run.

Christmas lights

You will hardly find a better pretext to experiment with lights, candles, sparkling glass items etc. than Christmas holidays. Make sure you don’t miss out on this chance.


With all the holiday moods, it is still advisable to avoid overdoing with fiery scenes and bright objects on your pictures.

Home details

While Christmas is a winter holiday, it is associated not just with snow and frost but rather with cozy home atmosphere, which is actually what people want to keep in mind for years to come. So capturing details which create the setting, such as a fireplace, is a winning approach.

Gift wrapping

Gifts packed in bright boxes and piled under a Christmas tree look great. Shooting how people wrap gifts for people they love is another original idea a photographer can take advantage of to produce a priceless family picture.

The list is incomplete, of course. Visit Depositphotos to find more pics here. Use their ideas as inspiration and feel free to share your ones with the world.