Useful Tips on How to Take Care of Your Beard


Beards have become one of the most popular fashion trends among men in the past few years. Having one can make you feel like a Viking, and make you look cool. But growing a beard is one thing; you also need to know how to take care of it.

Keeping your facial hair in shape is crucial if you want to make sure you look fantastic, and not like a hobo who can’t take care of himself. And don’t believe the people who tell you that styling a beard has to be costly.

Below you’ll find some useful tips on how to control the beard you’ve grown during the lockdown. And if you’re looking for more professional advice, you should visit Prim and Prep. But let’s get to the point, shall we?


Keep it Clean and Fresh

The first, and probably the most important thing you need to remember is to keep your beard fresh and clean. To do that, you need to wash it regularly and apply certain beard-care products to help you maintain it.

It means that you need to make a little investment, and get yourself a beard:

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner 
  • Oil
  • Balm

Use the specialistic shampoo to wash your facial hair, and always apply conditioner afterward. It softens your beard and prevents it from getting dry and scratchy. 

To maximize the conditioner’s effectiveness, use a beard oil regularly. It has similar properties, but aside from softening your beard, it will also make sure your facial hair stays that way.

The third mentioned product is beard balm. Use it when styling and moisturizing it. Balms are still new products, and not many people know about them, but they’re one of the best things you can buy when taking care of your beard.

Also, when it comes to beard styling, it’s good to purchase a beard brush. It will help you model your hair, and make them grow the way you want them to.

Give Your Beard a Little Trim

Besides keeping your beard clean and fresh, you also need to make sure you won’t lose control over it. To prevent that from happening, you should never forget about trimming your beard once in a while and using the best body hair trimmer. But before you start doing it, there are some things you need to keep in mind. 

First of all, invest in a high-quality beard trimmer. There are many options on the market, so you shouldn’t find it challenging to find the best one for you and your face. 

Secondly, make sure you know how to use it. The good idea is to watch trim tutorials, read more about specific trimming techniques, and seek help from specialists.

Giving your beard a regular trim will help you keep it in great shape. It will also allow you to see which length and beard style suits you and your face best. Don’t hesitate to visit a barber before the first trim. He will be able to tell you in what shape you should keep your beard in.

Maintain a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

It may not sound obvious, but keeping a healthy diet is one of the crucial things you need to do to efficiently take care of your beard. Keep in mind that it demands specific vitamins and proteins to grow correctly and stay in perfect condition.

And while no food will make your hair grow, eating certain foods is suitable for your hair and face skin. Experts recommend a diet rich in meat, eggs, green leafy vegetables, and milk. 

What’s more, to ensure your skin and beard are in good shape, you should also ensure that you sleep properly. One study found out that not getting enough sleep can slow down your beard’s growth.

Besides eating the right food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can also consider using supplements like Biotin. Many say that it ensures your hair stays healthy, but there’s no medical proof. Oh, and remember to check with your doctor every time you decide on taking something.


Some of the advice given above may seem obvious and fussy, but you’d be surprised how many men forget to apply them. Keep in mind that men’s beard is similar to the hair you have on your head, and you have to deal with it the same way.

Using proper beard care products, regular trimming, and maintaining a healthy diet is crucial if you don’t want to lose control over your beard and keep it in perfect shape.

Also, don’t be afraid to seek help from a specialist if you need it. The longer your beard grows, the harder it will get to maintain it by yourself. 

Styling your beard properly, and correct maintenance may sometimes seem complicated, but if you want it to look astonishing every time you look in the mirror, it’s necessary.