Use the Best Lighting for Your Home to Enhance Your Mood and Style


If you feel like the light in your home and day-to-day environment impact your mood, you’re not alone. Evidence shows that both positive and negative emotions are intensified by brighter light, with lower lighting dampening those moods. The findings published in Medical Daily suggest that light underlies perception of heat and heat can trigger the emotional system. So if you’re feeling angry, it might be worth dimming the lights and taking a breather.

These findings make it that much more important to get the lighting in your home right. Whether you’re looking to enhance your home’s style or your mood, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Go ultra luxury

If you have an uninspired overhead light hanging in your living room, you need a refresh to bring more style to the room you likely use most. Enhance the sense of luxury and elegance with a hanging chandelier. While chandeliers may look like they cost a fortune, there are plenty of options available for every budget.

Add some accents

Lighting doesn’t always have to be about saturating the room with brightness. Ambient lighting is a great way to create soft overall illumination in a space. You can also include ambient lighting right under your cabinets to brighten up your countertops or illuminate your kitchen during a late night snack.

Look to other areas of your home that could use a boost of illumination. Reading nooks, offices and bedrooms could probably all benefit from small side lamps or LED cubes as makeshift nightlights. And don’t forget to look in your backyard. Weather-resistant string lights strung along your back porch can turn your outdoor space into a cozy place for evening entertaining.

Go overhead

Some rooms really need an overhead light in order to offer the comfort and functionality you need. A bathroom likely needs an overhead light or recessed lighting to illuminate your morning routine as you get ready for your day. A dining room is also a good place for overhead lighting, though a chandelier can come in handy here instead of traditional options like recessed can lights. Whichever option you choose, consider an LED bulb like Philips Hue to create a color scheme for your room, whether bright and sunny or low and moody.

Go au naturel

You could be overlooking one of the best ways to incorporate more light into your home. According to a report by door and window manufacturer Origin, 99 percent of homeowners think natural lighting is important in a home. Origin also reports that an added benefit of natural light is receiving a healthy boost of Vitamin D and B to enhance your health and mood. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have it all. Combine going all natural with your current light scheme by changing up your heavy window drapes for lightweight options. And if you’re about to undergo a remodel in your home, ask about adding sunlight and additional windows to let in more light.

Changing up the light in your home can transform both your mood and style without costing a fortune. Start with the rooms you spend the most time in and add plenty of accents and touches of luxury like a chandelier to make a positive impact on your day-to-day.