Tips To Make Succulent Fairy Gardens From Broken Pots


Do you love fairy gardens? If you do, then why don’t you try to make one? It’s simple and easy and it will serve as beautiful decor for your front porch or balcony. And the best thing of all is that you can make it out of some broken stuff, for instance a broken pot. Also, instead of regular ones you can choose to make succulent fairy gardens from broken pots and today we want to give you some tips on how to make it.

So, first of all you will need a broken pot. If you don’t have one made of accidental break, then here is how to cut one. Soak the pot and with a craft drill make a shape that you can break with a hammer. This will be the base of your fairy garden. The next steps will mainly depend on your choice. You will need to add soil and succulents and you may either go for one type of succulents or maybe use several of them. In both cases, they will look quite eye-catching thanks to their rich hues and texture. Use some white pebbles or other stones to make it look even more wonderful. Here are several ideas to get inspired from. Enjoy!

Wonderful Succulent Fairy Gardens

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As you can notice there are no certain rules of how to make succulent fairy gardens. It will all depend on your creativity and imagination. Besides the succulents you can even add some miniature houses, bird houses, artificial mushrooms, dwarf statues etc., to make it look even more magical. You may even choose to paint the terracotta pot in some vibrant color, although it can look the way it is. And yes, display your fairy garden on the front or balcony, or maybe even somewhere in your home and be prepared to WOW everyone.

SEE ALSO: Amazing Low Water Landscaping Ideas You Don’t Want to Miss

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succulent fairy gardens
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So, would you try to make some of the above succulent fairy gardens? Tell us in the comments and of course, stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other cool DIY ideas that you can get inspired from.