There’s nothing sexier than a confident woman


Throughout the years there were plenty of beliefs what’s the only thing all the men agree about when the women are in question. The answers varied from being physically attractive to being slim, smart, even having good cooking skills. Vast majority of the men all around prefer women who take good care about themselves. There are men who even disagree about the overall physical appearance as long as the woman smiles often and looks happy most of the time. Others study very well the woman’s financial background as well as its career. On the other hand there are men who all they ask for in a woman is her loyalty and dedication to the relationship.


It is true that all this qualities speak volumes about the woman and her character. The truth is both women and men become pickier and pickier with the time. It seems like they really turn more into quality relationships rather than passing ones. Therefore, for such a relationship you really need a competent partner. However, before you ask for one, you have to be one. That’s why self growth and spirituality becomes more and more popular with the time.


Well, after all, if there’s something all men finally agree about, that’s the following claiming:

There’s nothing sexier than a confident woman.

What’s still well appreciated is the ability to love yourself and know your worth. Therefore a woman who knows what she’s worth it agrees with nothing but exactly this. There is no way to negotiate with her because if you try to do it, guess who’s going to be the one who will lose. She puts her standards high and has no problem in sharing it with the others. But before she asks for something she knows she can give at least the same amount of what she’s asking for.


The attraction for such women comes from the fact that she lets you know she doesn’t need you to make her happy. She can, just as well, work on her happiness without your existence. A strong woman can perfectly live without you. She doesn’t need you to complete her because in no moment she feels like half person. In the worst of the cases she only wants you to admire her and love her for everything she is.


On the other hand she spends quality time working on herself, therefore she is always busy minding her own business. She doesn’t even need your approval on her qualities because she knows that if you don’t love and appreciate her enough, that has nothing to do with her qualities. Instead, it speaks more about the way you are than the way she is. Such woman knows that if you don’t appreciate what you have, someone else out there will. Therefore, no room for worries. This only means she is one step closer to someone who will love her for everything she is. She leaves the table as soon as the respect is no longer served and has no regrets for leaving behind a man who doesn’t see her worth. And if he is not happy with what he has, this means she is not his to keep. She is just another man’s blessing.