Some novel ideas for boosting your savings


You don’t have to be uber wealthy to want to invest your money in order to safeguard your future. Many people automatically think of the stock market or even foreign exchange investment as a way of increasing their capital. These options are beyond the reach of most ordinary people; therefore you have to be inventive to increase your funds.


Enjoy your investments


If your idea of pleasure is wandering around art galleries and losing yourself in a particular genre of painting, then you don’t have to be a modern Medici to start an art collection of your own.


A great place to find affordable art is to visit the end of year graduate shows at your local art college. For a mere £50 you too could select the next Damien Hirst and find yourself sitting on a small fortune in 20 years time.


Just remember that art prices, in common with all investments can go up as well as down. You should safeguard your precious art collection against flood, theft and any other dangers, and More Than home and contents insurance will give you a quote for protecting your assets.


Remember to inform the company should the value of your collection change.

Car boot sales are still a good source for treasures


Unless you’re very lucky, you won’t find a rare Clarice Cliffe item of pottery at your local boot fair but if you’re canny and prepared to carry out some research you may be able to discover an unloved Stieff teddy bear or possibly a valuable watch that’s nestling at the bottom of a box of oddments.


Try not to let your delight show on your face, this will only drive the price up. Just buy the goods, haggling is always a good idea and then take your treasures to an expert. You can either hang on to your purchases or sell them to a reputable dealer.


An inspirational tale


Recently in Northern Ireland a buyer found a Breitling watch at a boot sale. He bought it for £25.00 and took it to an expert who discovered that Sean Connery had worn this watch in Thunderball.


The end result was that the watch was later auctioned at Christies for a very respectable £100,000. Not bad, for a £25.00 investment!