Knowing Which Dog Breed To Choose


Adding a new four legged friend to your family is a very exciting time. Dogs can bring immense joy to your lives, through the increase in exercise you’ll get by playing and walking them, for the benefit of knowing you have a life long friend there for you.

We’ve put together a guide on how to choose the right dog breed for you:

  1. Size

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and this will be largely dictated by the breed of dog you acquire. Knowing what size of  dog you are able to maintain will indicate what breed you should select. If you have a small house with a tiny or no yard, then a small, indoor breed like a shih tzu might be the way to go. However, if you want a dog that is large and active and you have the yard to support it, you can consider a large breed dog like a labrador or a malamute.

  1. Energy level

It’s very important to know that each breed of dog has its own characteristics when it comes to energy level. Some breeds like retrievers, spaniels, setters and pointers are extremely active and will need a lot of exercise each day. If you don’t have the time to spend hours on walks, then consider a breed with a lower energy level.

  1. Intelligence

Just like their human counterparts, some breeds of dog have higher intelligence levels compared to others. This can come in handy if you want to train your new dog to understand commands and directions. Intelligent dog breeds include German shepherds, border collies, poodles, golden retrievers, labradors, bloodhounds and rottweilers. Intelligent dogs have a lot to offer their owners, but that doesn’t mean that a dog breed that isn’t on this list won’t have the emotional caring that you’re looking for.

  1. Vocal level

Some dogs bark incessantly. It’s just a fact of life. This can be good if you like to interact with your canine pal, but bad if you have neighbors that will be irritated by the noise. If your dog’s barking is part of its personality, that’s one thing. However, if your pal is nervous or upset by something in its environment, then it’s up to you to change that. Doggy Toggery has a ton of ideas on how to better integrate your new friend into your environment in order to reduce their stress levels. Once your new dog is comfortable, the barking should settle. Unless he’s a Chihuahua.

  1. Family friendly

It’s very common to introduce a new pet into the family for the benefit of your children. Therefore, you should focus on breeds such as bulldogs, beagles, terriers, collies, poodles and labs. These breeds come in as some of the top most family friendly breeds available, and your kids will benefit from it.

If you’re planning on getting a new canine friend for your family, then you have a lot to consider. The breed of dog you choose will have an effect on how well the dog can integrate into your family environment, and you need to choose wisely. By using our guide, you’ll be able to consider all of the options in order to make the best decision for your family.