Helpful Vehicle Maintenance to Prepare for Winter Season


One of the best parts of living in the northern U.S. is we get to see the beautiful sites and experiences that each of the four seasons has to offer. With shorter days and longer nighttime periods, colder temperatures, snow, and ice become more prevalent across the region. As we progress further into fall and into winter, we want to make sure that we give our vehicles the proper attention they deserve to help us enjoy the colder seasons! In this article, we’ll talk about some handy ways you can equip and prepare your vehicle for the colder temperatures and potential roadway hazards in winter.

Tire Treads and Windshield Wipers

Rubber is an incredible compound, allowing us to grip roadways and brush away precipitation from our windshield without damaging the glass. Over time, the rubber ends up wearing away on our tires and wipers as well as becoming stiff and cracked. For windshields, this can cause streaking while with tires, the more shallow treads become less effective at moving snow and debris out of the way causing a potential loss in traction in slippery conditions. Make sure to measure your tread depth using a penny’s head and see if your wipers are streaking or not fully clearing. If you notice any problems, consider replacing and/or scheduling a service appointment to get a second look!

Battery Life in Cold Conditions

In order to supply and recharge a battery, certain components are made from materials that can wear away over time. In colder conditions, a battery is less effective at supplying sufficient voltage and current to get a car working. As such, the older and colder a battery is, the higher the chance of a malfunction while trying to start your car! We suggest having jumper cables as well as the know-how to jump-start a car, and to check your voltage levels as the temperatures begin to drop. The service department at Fullerton Chrysler Jeep (Somerville, NJ) suggests that if your battery is approaching 5-6 years old, it might be best to replace it.

Keep Fluids Flowing, not Freezing

If the systems of your car are like the muscles and vital organs, then the fluids of the vehicle are the life-blood that keeps the car working smoothly. The engine oil of a car keeps engines churning smoothly. As temperatures drop, oil becomes more clustered and can be less effective causing wear and tear as well as potential harm to the engine over time; while new oil will more uniformly smooth out the engine’s components and operate smoothly in colder conditions. Windshield-washer fluid and gasoline are two you want to keep filled throughout the cold temperatures, as in low amounts you risk freezing from residual water that comes from the surrounding environment. Another useful fluid to check is the radiator coolant, which helps keep the engine from freezing and dispersing heat evenly during operation. We suggest visiting your friendly local mechanic to ask them to do a quick flush through and help you calibrate your fluids for the colder season!

Looking forward to the winter season like we are? Help prepare to maximize your enjoyment and keep your car healthy by giving it a quick look over and service. Having your car prepared for the colder climates helps improve the overall safety and reliability while behind the wheel as well as lengthening the lifespan of your vehicle! Set up a service appointment with your friendly local dealer today, and have a safe and enjoyable winter!