Easy School Lunch Ideas That Kids Will Love


Hello Top Dreamers! Are you ready for the start of the school year? We have some great ideas to make your every day life easier. Coming up with different lunch combinations and packing them is the least favorite part of the daily routine. And that’s why I have one interesting post for you today. Having the same lunch, such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is so boring. You will need to make different portions, and believe me this is so easy. Check this gallery of Easy School Lunch Ideas and the awesome tips that I want to share with you today!

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Get prepared

  1. Choose the right containers. Always have a few ready. When buying, make sure that they are easy to be stored. Also, they should be closed properly. On the other hand, the lids need to be easy to open so kids won’t struggle with this one. You would want to make sure that they are leak proof.
  2. If your containers do not have enough sections, use a little trick. Silicone muffin molds are super cheap, and will help you with this one. Place one or more inside the container to divide it into sections.
  3. Dedicate a part of your kitchen for making lunches. It can be a shelf or a drawer. Place all of the necessities here, so the process of packing is easier. Organize snacks, so even kids can pick the thing they want to eat that day.

How to hack lunch packing

  •  Leaving everything for the morning when you are sleepy is a bad idea. Make sure that your meals are prepared in advance. Have the fruits and veggies washed, sandwiches made ( or at least prepare the ingredients, or pack the snacks. You will be thankful in the morning that you have done this the night before.
  • Plan the week’s lunches. Make a plan ahead, so you won’t spend time thinking every day. Kids can participate too. Write the ideas down on a piece of paper and stick them on the fridge door.
  • What to pack, except for sandwiches? Pasta, salads, wraps, hummus, boiled eggs, all sound like a good pick for the lunch.