DIY Seashell Home Decor Ideas For This Summer


Good day to all the DIY enthusiasts that are looking for great ideas for the summer! This season , the most popular thing are seashells. Why? We love them for the different shapes and colors, and how they remind us of vacation. The best thing is that they are absolutely free. All you need to do is to go down to the beach and do a sea shell hunt. Once you have a full bag, it is time to check these DIY Seashell Home Decor Ideas and get your inspiration for the next project!

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You are back home from vacation, and you bring with you one bag full with seashells. When you open it, the smell will not be that pleasant. But do not hurry to throw them away, because you can give them a good cleaning. When you finish the smell will be gone and you can go forward with the project to make DIY Seashell Home Decor Ideas. I have some helpful tips that you will find handy in the process. Check them out!


How to prepare your shells for DIY Seashell Home Decor Ideas

A good cleaning will destroy the unpleasant fishy smell of the shells. And you have to do it properly, otherwise they can be damaged. When it is all clean the seashells will look better, without any algae or salt residues. Here are some great tips that will help you do it the right way:

  • A solution made of equal parts of bleach and water will give the surface of the shells a good cleaning. Leave them for some time in the solution, until you see them releasing the flaky covering. Then, rinse your seashells. Be careful for bleach stains on your clothing.
  • If bleach is not your thing, you can always clean your seashell for a DIY Seashell Home Decor Ideas with toothpaste. Use an old toothbrush, give it a good cleaning, and live the shell to absorb it for 5 hours. Then, rinse as usual.
  • Even out any harsh edges. You can do this with sand paper.This way your shells will look better.
  • For a finishing touch, add a bit of shine. You can do this by rubbing mineral or baby oil on the surface.