Building the Ultimate Home Office

Image Credit: Pixabay

A recent study, as reported by CNBC, found that 70 percent of professionals work from home (or other remote spots) at least one day a week. Over 50 percent are working remotely at least half of the workweek. If you’re a remote worker or will be soon, building the ultimate home office will not only help to make you a lot more productive, but happier too.

Find the Right Space

If you already have an extra room in your home for an office, using that space is a no-brainer. The best home office doesn’t come from setting up a laptop on your kitchen table or moving a cheap desk into the corner of a tiny bedroom. It’s important to find a way to separate your home and work life, as well as to be in a spot where you can work without distractions. The brighter the space the better as a dark room can lead to lethargy while light can help keep energy levels up.

Invest in the Right Technology

Obviously, you need a computer and an Internet connection, but something that you may not think about is getting a second monitor. While there are some conflicting opinions, many believe that extra room makes it easier to multitask by having multiple windows open at the same time so that you can really take in the entire scope of what you’re working on. What’s more important ergonomically is that having the monitor is at direct eye level.

For virtual meetings or calls, a headset with a retractable mic helps you to stay connected while keeping your hands free. While you may be able to operate paperless, it’s still a good idea to have a printer with a built-in scanner, and some point you’re likely to have a need for it.

A Good Quality Chair

A poor quality sure can lead to back pain and other problems. It’s important to invest in a good quality chair, or you can even try a stability ball or build your own standing desk as a healthier way to work.

Plants and Personal Décor

Many studies have found that plants can increase productivity by boosting mental performance, improve memory and even make people happier. Place at least a few around your space, and add some personal touches like art, beautiful photographs and décor that’s enjoyable to you – for example, if you’re a big sports fan, you may want to get a couple of sports themed rugs  and other items, like your favorite team’s logo on a pen and pencil holder and so on.

Keep Clutter to a Minimum

While décor and plants are great for a home office, be sure to keep clutter to a minimum as it’s an eye sore and can limit productivity. Shelving, plastic storage bins, desk organizers and the like are an important part of staying organized at home.