4 Useful Tips For A Spring Balcony Decor


Once the weather gets warmer, we all love to spend more time in the outdoors. Those of you who live in a house and have a yard a truly blessed, because your yard can be your place for a peaceful retreat. And for those of you who live in a big city in an apartment and don’t have a yard, then the balcony can be your perfect getaway. So, let’s get you familiar with some useful tips for a spring balcony decor.

Consider the space available 

Yes, no matter if your balcony is tiny or spacious one, you should make sure to get the most of the space available. So, you should add some chairs or some sectional sofa in accordance with the space. If it is a small one you will probably choose some tiny chairs and a small table, or maybe a corner sofa to fill the empty corner space. If you choose chairs, then you should go some folding ones, so that you can easily fold them when you don’t need them.

Photo via: abouthomedecorationideas.blogspot.com
Photo via: abouthomedecorationideas.blogspot.com
Photo via: abouthomedecorationideas.blogspot.com
Photo via: estiloydeco.com
Photo via: casaydiseno.com

Add planters

Nothing can be associated with spring better than flowers, so adding some planters on your balcony is a must. They will get the right amount of sun light over there and will of course decorate your balcony. You can place some on the table, on the balcony floor, hang some on the rail, or maybe even go for some vertical planters and hang them on the wall. Such planters are perfect for tiny balconies, saving on floor space.

Photo via: casaydiseno.com
Photo via: villafiore.es
Photo via: villafiore.es
Photo via: villafiore.es
Photo via: ofdesign.net

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Make it cozy

Your balcony will be your favorite spot for relaxation, so make it as cozy as possible. Add some cushions on the chairs to make them more comfortable, have a tiny rug on the floor so that you can avoid stepping on the cold floor. Also, have some blankets, so that you can warm yourself when it’s a kind of chill.

Photo via: decoconsejos.com
Photo via: frenchyfancy.com
Photo via: onekindesign.com
Photo via: onekindesign.com
Photo via: digsdigs.com

Experiment with different colors

Spring is all about colors, so they should be part of your spring balcony decor. Add decorations in some vibrant colors, that together with the blooming flowers can turn the balcony into a more lively space. And once the Sun is up, you won’t want to be on some other place, then on your balcony.

Photo via: archzine.net
Photo via: estiloydeco.com
Photo via: adorable-home.com
Photo via: jardineriaplantasyflores.com
spring balcony decor
Photo via: hoylowcost.com

We hope that you found this tips useful and that you will use them when decorating your balcony this spring. Tell us in the comments which one from the above ideas did you like the best. And of course, stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other decor tips for your home.