16 Craft Ideas How To Use Bottle Cap


All over the world people enjoy a cold beer now and then throw away the bottle caps, assuming they are just trash. At first glance, they may seem to be, but a closer look and some imagination reveals a terrific source for beer bottle cap crafts. Most are easy to do, quickly made and, best of all, assist in keeping landfills down. Plus, beer bottle caps can be used in crafting things that can be used as gifts as well as items for personal use.

Below, we have made a photo collection of 16 crafts that you can do with the use of bottle cap. From cool wall decorations, picture frames, mirror frames, candle holders, bowls to a whole table and chair designs out of bottle caps. These ideas will definitely inspire you not to throw the cap, the next time you open a new bottle of beer or soda. Check them and get inspired to do some creative things for your home out of bottle caps. Enjoy and stay up to date with us to find more useful content on crafts you can do out of everyday objects!

16 Craft Ideas With The Use Of Bottle Cap



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