LED Lights: Five Ways to Groom Your Garden


If you have ever found yourself enamored with a neighbor’s hedge setup, or felt like your nature display just isn’t up to par with your expectations, you’re not alone. It can be overwhelming trying to find new ways to better your backyard on a reasonable budget, but thankfully there are some fantastic local lighting solutions that you can purchase LED lights in Melbourne from.

Solar Powered

When setting up an outdoor area, why not use everything at your disposal? Not only do solar powered LEDs lower energy consumption and save you a pretty penny in the process, but many brands and varieties will automatically switch on as the sun goes down, taking a little extra effort out of keeping a luminous lawn. While incredibly versatile, keeping these lights in areas that will get the most sunlight throughout the day will achieve the best results. This may seem obvious at first glance, but choosing a place that gets a large amount of sunlight for only a short amount of time in the day may not allow it to properly charge. This makes solar an ideal option for lawn lights, as they are much less likely to get obstructed or displaced.

Motion Sensors

Often coupled with the former, motion sensors are an ideal choice for people that want lighting on demand, and aren’t interested in having lights when nobody is around to benefit from them. As with solar powered options, sensors work best close to the ground, in areas that you are more likely to tread (motion sensing can be difficult without any motion to detect) and are more likely to need lighting on a regular basis. Regularly seen lighting paths and nature strips, motion sensors are a great way to get all eyes on your garden.


Lighting doesn’t have to be all for function, and well placed decorative lights can be used to completely transform the style of your garden, to the point where making a decision that you feel completely comfortable with can be more stressful than you might think. Thinking about what you hope to achieve and what styles would go well in your outdoor space are both great starting points for These kinds of projects. While you may have seen several small, paved gardens that benefitted hugely from a minimalistic environment, that isn’t necessarily true for all of them, and keeping this in mind will hopefully keep you on the right track.

Keep Things Colourful

It’s difficult to decide how your backyard should look with so many options available to you, so why settle for just one? The night is a perfect time to show what you can do in the garden, and RGB Auto-Colour lighting keeps things interesting without all the upkeep. Automatically changing colours throughout the night, these LEDs are a perfect accessory for any gardener to keep their larger plants in the limelight. More suited to areas with trees or other large objects, these colours can bring new beauty to your backyard once the sun goes down.

Get Creative

It’s easy enough to open your favorite home improvement magazine and search for a style that suits you, and while these designs are a beautiful way to gather an understanding of ideal placements, creating your own style can be far more rewarding, and lets you add your own personality to a space. There isn’t a single best way to set up lighting in your garden, and the possibilities for experimentation are practically endless.